miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

E-learning, From Traditional Tools To The Inclusion Of Social Media

The e-Learning is non-face learning using the resources offered by technology. Currently there are many tools that complement traditional training, allowing any user to have easy access to learning anytime. E-Learning ensures continuous training (anytime, anywhere). The student can learn when and wherever he wants.

The e-Learning environment is the Internet. Using virtual environments, Learning Management Systems, discussion forums, chat rooms, video conferencing, Web seminars, games, web 2.0 resources (blogs, social networks), strengthens the e-Learning model.
The use of e-Learning is increasingly widespread. Large technology companies offer services directly themselves (in-house), supplemented with external content providers. Other companies outsource entire business model of services and content providers.
Now we are in transition to a new way to educate, to new working environments, where social organization of communities and new economic frameworks will play a leading role. Technological changes and new solutions are emerging, creating collaborative environments on which to develop the transformation and evolution of all aspects of life.
Every day the service costs, the ease of switching between them, allow us to naturally incorporate new services offered by technology. Face learning model mix with e-Learning, the Internet connectivity, the touchscreens PCs, and guarantee a rich training model pluralist and collaborative.

One of the main challenges for e-learning is to make learning resources dynamic, interactive and engaging. It is not a simple conversion of text on paper to digitized text, audio and video mixing. Online courses should develop diverse types of multimedia activities, with criteria of creativity, usability and practicality.

You have to offer a quality education in an environment that it is in a process of constant updating. The contents developed today may highlight its innovative format, but tomorrow it will be obsolete. The technology used to create these files will change.

In this context it has developed the social e-learning, taking advantage of the communication channels, the dissemination and exchange of information on the Internet. Students will play a leading role in the educational process, collaborating and even researching for themselves. Learning becomes more spontaneous therefore as users become accustomed to share and comment.
The social e-Learning platform should:
  • ·         Coordinate the formal approach with informal training, as well as persons with social approach.
  • ·         Incorporate social media tools such as blogs, RSS feeds, social networking, file sharing, communication and collaboration tools.
  • ·         Provide a social learning experience collaborative and participator

  • y.

In conclusion, the e-learning is an educational channel required to meet the development needs of company employees. Training through e-learning channel plays an important role to attract and hold the best talent. Employees are demanding more flexibility in their training, which requires a shift from a Demand Driven model to a Supply Driven model. E-learning tools are an important factor in a Supply Driven model.