jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Type Of Clouds, What Is The Best Option?

Cloud place or services being offered could describe cloud computing.
We have the following types of clouds based on place:
· Public,
· Private,
· Hybrid, and
· Community.
Public Cloud
Here, Service provider places its resources such as applications and storage through the Internet. A pay per use model determine service cost. Fees vary according to criteria as time use, traffic volume, number of concurrent users or visits.
Servers and storage systems mix data and processes from multiple clients. Users do not know the other clients' process that run on the same servers, networks, and storage systems.
Public Clouds are available to the public or a large industry sector. When this infrastructure is basic, only offers equipment or storage and not software, we talk about Infrastructure as a Service. When there is also operating system, database management and some services have a Platform as a Service model.
Cost savings is a Cloud computing principal benefit. You do not have to make an initial investment in equipment or software licenses, providing more flexibility in IT infrastructure implementation. On the other hand, the cloud computing challenges are security, interoperability and portability of information.
Platforms allow users to mount their own applications, but there are also generic applications available such as Office 365, Google Apps or Microsoft Dynamics Online.
Private Cloud
Private clouds are networks or data centers that use cloud computing technologies, such as Virtualization. This cloud offers high data protection and service level related to the owner. Themselves administered the cloud, and a Firewall secure it.
The main difference between public and private clouds, is that a public one provides services to multiple organizations. A private integrates policies and infrastructure capabilities used by the organization. On the other hand, public clouds tend to offer general consumer services at low-cost.
Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid clouds combine the models of public and private clouds. The user owner one part and shares another in a controlled way.
It is like a private application strengthened with computing services in the cloud. The organization keeps up control of its main applications.
A hybrid cloud is an intermediate step before moving most of the applications to the cloud, this is a less risky decision.
This Cloud has the advantage of a moderate first investment, supplemented by the services of cloud computing on demand.
Based on future requirements, you can upgrade the platform without an infrastructure investment, taking one of the following ways:
• For stable or constant needs, you can increase private cloud infrastructure and move some services to the public cloud.
• For occasional or intermittent requirements keep up the service in public clouds.
The most important advantage is that they allow systems administrators to decide which data and applications run on internal private cloud and which data stored on a public cloud, avoiding excessive resources. In this cloud type, you handle critical applications and data in the private cloud, and moves the less critical applications to the public cloud.
The Cloud complexity of use and cost are the principal disadvantages.
Community Cloud
In a community cloud several organizations share infrastructure, supporting a particular community on a specific topic, such as security, research, policy or compliance. The community or a third-party can manage the cloud. It is a private cloud extension.
This cloud supports a cluster of small organizations forming community. It supports the needs of these communities.
Public clouds, private or hybrid: what is the best option for your company?
Although cloud computing is attractive and promising, it is possible that the company wants to continue to host some applications locally, especially when the data criticality degree is high, such as business intelligence data. This is also the case of very sensitive data, such as medical records.
Any company can reap the benefits of the cloud, such as cost, speed and better asset use, through data center with a private cloud environment. An internal implementation of a cloud computing through Virtualization offers the freedom to manage workflow services and security policies, the disadvantage is that you cannot meet the same level of scalability that a  public cloud.
Public clouds offer the benefit of unlimited growth of the application. These Cloud data centers are often offered in standardized, scalable modules, allowing to handle loads with profitability and efficiency
Another option is the hybrid cloud, a model which simultaneously works with private and public clouds. Here the public cloud manages overloads during periods of high demand. Also, you have a private cloud to meet average operational requirements, enabling not oversize the data center.
In terms of costs compared to a traditional data center, there are savings in the number of servers required to do a task. In this model, firms are not restricted to use a single data center, they can use multiple data centers and even build their own internal infrastructure.
Although cloud computing is in its early years, the efficiency gains of 40 to 50 percent are taking into account to start a private cloud, for companies that for one reason or another cannot make use of cloud computing systems public.
Public clouds have certain advantages and disadvantages. Public cloud allows an almost unlimited growth, and you pay only for what you consume. However, the companies' concern focuses on data security, be restricted to a service provider, and geopolitical reasons related to the information storage.
Similarly, some companies have serious drawbacks due to its infrastructure, the systems diversity represents a significant barrier. There is a variety of computers running different operating systems on different processors. In contrast, most providers of cloud services offer limited ranges in reduced hardware, leaving companies with a heterogeneous infrastructure limited. Here, they can only put some applications in the cloud, while others should stay on internal servers. This mixture leads to difficulties to administer internal resources and services provided by the cloud.
One solution is to use a Virtualization environment internally, using the existing hardware resources. The benefits of this vision is a higher use of resources and greater efficiency.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

E-learning, From Traditional Tools To The Inclusion Of Social Media

The e-Learning is non-face learning using the resources offered by technology. Currently there are many tools that complement traditional training, allowing any user to have easy access to learning anytime. E-Learning ensures continuous training (anytime, anywhere). The student can learn when and wherever he wants.

The e-Learning environment is the Internet. Using virtual environments, Learning Management Systems, discussion forums, chat rooms, video conferencing, Web seminars, games, web 2.0 resources (blogs, social networks), strengthens the e-Learning model.
The use of e-Learning is increasingly widespread. Large technology companies offer services directly themselves (in-house), supplemented with external content providers. Other companies outsource entire business model of services and content providers.
Now we are in transition to a new way to educate, to new working environments, where social organization of communities and new economic frameworks will play a leading role. Technological changes and new solutions are emerging, creating collaborative environments on which to develop the transformation and evolution of all aspects of life.
Every day the service costs, the ease of switching between them, allow us to naturally incorporate new services offered by technology. Face learning model mix with e-Learning, the Internet connectivity, the touchscreens PCs, and guarantee a rich training model pluralist and collaborative.

One of the main challenges for e-learning is to make learning resources dynamic, interactive and engaging. It is not a simple conversion of text on paper to digitized text, audio and video mixing. Online courses should develop diverse types of multimedia activities, with criteria of creativity, usability and practicality.

You have to offer a quality education in an environment that it is in a process of constant updating. The contents developed today may highlight its innovative format, but tomorrow it will be obsolete. The technology used to create these files will change.

In this context it has developed the social e-learning, taking advantage of the communication channels, the dissemination and exchange of information on the Internet. Students will play a leading role in the educational process, collaborating and even researching for themselves. Learning becomes more spontaneous therefore as users become accustomed to share and comment.
The social e-Learning platform should:
  • ·         Coordinate the formal approach with informal training, as well as persons with social approach.
  • ·         Incorporate social media tools such as blogs, RSS feeds, social networking, file sharing, communication and collaboration tools.
  • ·         Provide a social learning experience collaborative and participator

  • y.

In conclusion, the e-learning is an educational channel required to meet the development needs of company employees. Training through e-learning channel plays an important role to attract and hold the best talent. Employees are demanding more flexibility in their training, which requires a shift from a Demand Driven model to a Supply Driven model. E-learning tools are an important factor in a Supply Driven model.

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Pinterest, The Images Social Network

A U.S. study shows that Pinterest is almost as popular as Twitter.
The study indicates that 67% of Internet users in the USA have an account on the Facebook network. The Surveys have found that the second most used social network is Twitter with 16% And, who closely follows, is interested with 15%.
A curious fact? Even Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, is a user of this platform.
Pinterest is the union of two words, Pin plus Interest, which would come to be translated as hooking interests, the big difference of this network is that it is 100% visual.
How does works Pinterest?
The aim of Pinterest is to Promote interaction between users, but concentrating on the publication and re-publication of photos and videos.
Through this network, users Can share their contacts with images and recordings, either themselves or others. The contacts may republish, rate or comment.
The images and videos can be accompanied by texts with no more than 500 characters.
Pinterest Uses
Pinterest is a new social network designed to share pictures and videos on a kind of whiteboard (pinboard). Within Pinterest content is organized into different categories, such as: architecture, history, humor, travel, and more.

Pinterest is climbing positions and many wonder why. We can say that Pinterest has potential for a variety of uses such as:
1.   For creative teams, the tool provides the ability to work collaboratively, arise environment where brainstorming and images that can act as an inspiring and motivating.
2.   To raise awareness of a brand, product or service, Pinterest is ideal to build catalogs with prices included, and offering no cost online presence. It is also possible to test new ideas, testing how many users "pinean" about a new product.
3.   For foodies, Pinterest offers post all kinds of recipes, with step by step preparation and pictures of it.
4.   For professional photographers, Pinterest offers the possibility to present their portfolio of work and find new ideas for compositions.
5.   To plan a social event, you can get ideas and contact you with people who can help you all the details of the event are innovildables.
6.   For travelers, via Pinterest can plan trips, adding links, photos of the places to visit, hotels, etc.. It can also make complete albums of photographs taken during the trip.
7.   For the collector, with Pinterest can prepare a catalog with pictures of objects or parts you collect and make them known to the world.

According to users of the network, highlighting the design and usability of Pinterest, which has encouraged its widespread use.

How much cost Pinterest

Recently this network has been valued at 7.7 billion dollars. It should be noted that this value is an estimate.
The reasons for this valuation are:
·         The main attractive advertising constitutes the length of time that users remain on the platform. We have studied that each user remains in place on average 89 minutes, which is much greater time spent in the other networks (such as Twitter, with an average 20 minutes).
·         The visual impact it has on its users, due to its attractive interface.
Traffic statistics prove that Pinterest is at this time the preferred social network, mostly, for future brides, fashion lovers, for food  and the arts. The board also finds many travel, home organization, books and gifts or favorite products.
The big difference is that this network is 100% visual. And there lies the success of it is visual, organized and yet you can promote and / or share links. 

martes, 22 de enero de 2013

Information Technology

Information Technology

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. In a business context, information technology (IT) is defined as "the study, design, development, application, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems".

The business value of information technology is to automate business processes, provide information for decision making, connect business with their customers, and provide productivity tools to increase efficiency.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the term information technology (IT) was a little known phrase that was used by those who worked in places like banks and hospitals to describe the processes they used to store information. With the paradigm shift to computing technology and "paperless" workplaces, information technology has come to be a household phrase. It defines an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information.
Great technological advances have been made since the days when computers were huge pieces of equipment that were stored in big, air conditioned rooms, getting their information from punch cards.
Information and communication technologies has evolved into a key enabling infrastructure across industries while proving to be a powerful driver of enhanced living conditions and opportunities around the globe. IT has changed the world dramatically and it is bound to continue to do so in the future.